Lyon and Healy 23 for sale
Model: Lyon and Healy 23 Owner: Kristen Groves Price: $34,950.00 Contact: kristenjgroves@gmail.com Phone: (910) 638-9758

Lyon and Healy Style 17 Gold for sale
Model: Model: Gold Lyon and Healy of Chicago/Style # 2036/Model 17/Pat. Sept. 14 1915 My harp has never needed any repairs. It may have...

Lyon and Healy Prelude for sale
Model: Lyon and Healy Prelude (Walnut wood) Comes with padded case cover For Sale: $4,500.00 Owner: John Winstead Contact:...

Wurlitzer Starke for sale
Model: Wurlitzer Starke Model #1136 For Sale: $20,000.00 Owner: Jodi Hiser Contact: thehisers@aol.com Phone: (214) 404-5012

UPDATED Lyon and Healy 85 CG for rent
Model: Lyon and Healy 85 Concert Grand #17878 For Rent: $400/month plus insurance fee Owner: Kinsey Mitton Contact: mcnevinka@gmail.com...

Dusty Strings Allegro for rent
Model: Dusty Strings Allegro Lever Harp For Rent: $60/month Owner: Kinsey Mitton Contact: mcnevinka@gmail.com Phone: (720) 925-0796

Prelude 40 Lever Harp for sale
Model: Prelude 40 Lever Harp For Sale: $5650.00 Owner: Mary-Margaret Jones Contact: Info@MaryMargaretJones.com Phone: (972) 979-0782